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is a cold-sensitive perennial herb or undershrub with sweet pine and citrus flavours. In some Middle Eastern countries, marjoram is synonymous with oregano, and there the names sweet marjoram and knotted marjoram are used to distinguish it from other plants of the genus Origanum. It is also called pot marjoram, although this name is also used for other cultivated species of Origanum. Marjoram is used for seasoning soups, stews, salad dressings, sauces, and herbal teas. Marjoram has long been used as a medicinal herb. Marjoram or marjoram oil has been used to treat cancer, colds, coughs, cramps, depression, as a diuretic, ear infections, gastrointestinal problems, headaches, and paralysis, as well as arthritis, chest congestion, and muscle aches. It has also been used as an aphrodisiac, mouthwash, tea, and in poultices, tinctures, and infusions.Though not all of its historic uses are scientifically backed, the plant has verifiable medical use. For example, it contains the phenol carvacrol, which is antibacterial, antifungal and antimicrobial. Ethanol extract is cytotoxic against fibrosarcoma cell lines, ethyl acetate extract has antiproliferative properties against C6 and HeLa cells, as have Hesperetin and hydroquinone, which can be isolated from marjoram extract. Cardioprotective, hepatoprotective, antiulcerogenetic, anticholinesterase, anti-PCOS, and anti-inflammatory effects were also found in dried marjoram, marjoram tea, or in compounds extracted from marjoram. Marjoram is generally not toxic, but should not be used by pregnant or lactating women. However, it is always important to be cautious and consult a doctor when using medical herbs.


It is an aromatic herbaceous perennial plant belonging to the oral family. It is used for garnishing, cooking and treating. The color of basil flowers takes white or purple color, and it has a distinctive fragrant smell. The color of the leaves can range from green to violet, and the size of the leaves varies from large, such as those resembling lettuce leaves to small leaves that are up to 1 cm long, and basil is an ancient spice Commonly used to prepare soups and salads and to enhance the flavor of tea; While its essential oil extracted from its leaves is used in the manufacture of perfumes and drinks, and basil is considered a medicine for many diseases in ancient medicine. The smells of basil vary with different types; As a result, the herbs of different types of basil contain different essential oils, which are combined in different proportions for several strains. The strong clove scent of sweet basil derives from the aromatic chemical compound eugenol, which is the same chemical compound as the clove plant. The citrus aroma of lemon basil and lime basil reflects the large part of the citral compound, which causes this effect in many plants, including lemon mint, and limonene, which gives the smell of lemon peel. African blue basil has a strong camphor smell due to the contains camphor and camphene in large proportions. Thai basil contains the same chemical compounds that make anise smell like licorice. It is also sometimes called aniseed basil.


It is an evergreen herb used for culinary and medicinal purposes. One of the most common types of thyme is common thyme, thyme of the genus thyme of the oral family and associated with common marjoram of the genus oregano. Thyme is described as being low in length, about 6 - 12 inches in length. Its leaves are small, green in color, with an aromatic smell. Its stems are woody and thin. There are more than fifty different types of thyme in perfumes (smells) and flavors. Popular thyme types, thyme oil and essential oil (Thymis vilgaris) contain 20-54% thymol. The essential oil also contains a range of additional compounds, such as cymene, myrcene, borneol and linalool. Thymol is an antiseptic and is the main active ingredient in various commercial oral cleaning products such as Listerine. Before the introduction of modern antibiotics, thyme oil was used to treat bandages. Thymol has also been shown to be effective in combating a fungus known as nail infection. It also turns out that thymol is an active ingredient in all-natural, alcohol-free hand sanitizers.


Fennel is usually called an aromatic plant species that follows the genus of Fennel of the Apiaceae family, and its scientific name is (in Latin: Foeniculum vulgare). The plant is used for medicinal purposes. Boiled powdered roots are useful to treat stomatitis and to wash the eyes or to thicken them. The leaves are useful in treating dissections in the genitals and breasts. The boiled leaves are used to expel gases and relieve the pain resulting from them in the intestines, and to treat coughs, asthma attacks, whooping cough, laryngitis, dyspepsia, and treat inflammation of the urinary system. A pregnant woman can drink fennel boiled to treat digestive disorders such as constipation, intestinal gas, nausea and vomiting.


Herbaceous plant with a height of about half a meter, with a thin, polygonal stem, from which comes out long branches bearing serrated, rounded leaves. It is a well-known plant, other than the "anson known as fennel." Its stems are thin, ribbed, from which long branches bearing serrated, rounded leaves, and the flowers are small, oval in shape. Anise contains volatile oil, which is the main component, and anethole, the main compound in the oil, occupies the main component of the oil, estragol, anais aldehyde, and caffeic lion, and its derivatives are chlorogenic lion. It also contains flavonoids, the most important of which are abagna and fatty oils. It contains volatile oil 3% anethole and methyl chanicol from volatile oil, estrogen hormone and a fixed oil.


Baan or Moringa (scientific name: Moringa) is a plant genus belonging to the Banana family of the Brassicaceae order. It is used as a food supplement, for diseases of malnutrition. It contains a high percentage of vitamins, it contains seven times the vitamin C found in oranges, four times the vitamin A found in carrots, and four times the calcium found in milk, because its leaf contains 40% of an oil that is comparable to olive oil Paper: From the wood of the trunk of the tree .Fuel: from oil and wood. Textile: the distinctive wood of the tree helps in the manufacture of certain fibers used in textiles. Drinks: Some Asian companies manufacture a refreshing drink such as soft drinks. Cosmetics: from oils and grind some parts to make cosmetic powder.


It is a perennial herbaceous plant species that follows the genus Melissa of the oral family. It is a perennial herb that has a square stem, has white and sometimes scarlet flowers, and the fruit contains four seeds. The herb generally contains volatile oil. It grows naturally in southern Europe and the Mediterranean basin. The length of the turmeric plant reaches 70-150 cm. Its leaves give off a pleasant aroma resembling that of lemon and close to mint. At the end of summer, small white flowers filled with nectar appear on the plant that attract bees. The crushed leaves, when applied to the skin, are used as a mosquito repellent. Alturnjan is used medicinally in the form of herbal tea, or in the form of an extract. It is believed to contain anti-bacterial and anti-viral agents (effective against herpes simplex), It is also used as a sedative or gentle sedative. At least one study has shown that lemongrass is effective in reducing stress, although the study authors suggest further research. Its antibacterial properties have also been proven by scientific research, although these properties have been weaker than many of the other plants studied. The essential oil extracted from the lemongrass plant is very popular in the field of aromatherapy. This oil is often distilled along with lemon oil, (citronella oil) or with other oils.


A herbaceous perennial plant with a strong aromatic smell, reaching a height of 50 cm. It has finely cut upper leaves and small white or pink flowers. It gives small circular fruits, yellow to brown, and coriander is a famous spice. Active ingredients in coriander: Coriander contains volatile oil, the most important of which are linalool, borneol, paracymin, camphor, geraniol, limonene and fabainin. It also contains fatty oils, coumarins, flavonoids, phthalates, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron and vitamin C. Some of the acids present in coriander, Linoleic acid, oleic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid and ascorbic acid are very effective in lowering cholesterol levels. They also reduce the level of bad cholesterol that is deposited on the inner walls of the arteries and veins, which can lead to serious cardiovascular problems such as atherosclerosis, heart attacks, and strokes.


Herbaceous perennial plant with limited growth, up to 30-40 cm in height. Its leaves are complex, fine, dark green in color, and the plant bears small white-purple flowers in tentacles, and the fruits are oval and oblong, each of which splits quickly when dried into two curved fruits. The color of the fruit is olive green, 0.4 - 0.7 cm in length, 2-3 mm in diameter, aromatic smell and slightly bitter taste. As a spice, it is used in the manufacture of some types of bread and pancakes - Indigestion and anti-sepsis treatment - Colic treatment - as a gas repellent - for milk production -رمز "تم التحقق منها بواسطة المنتدى"As a diuretic and antiseptic for the urinary tract and kidneys- Anti-congestion and intestinal spasms- To expel tapeworms and intestinal worms- Dissolving kidney and ureter stones- Treating shortness of breath, asthma and coughing- Making soup and curry- As diaphoretic- Stopping nosebleeds (Nosebleed)-Improving skin tone-Treatment of involuntary urination - As compresses for breast and testicular congestion - Relieves toothache - Cheese and sausage making - Antioxidant - Sexual tonic and tonic - Helps dissolve cholesterol - Treat rheumatism - Alcoholic beverages industry.


Sesame is an oil crop and has been used as food and fat since ancient times. The resulting oil contains a high percentage of proteins, fatty acids and antioxidant flavonoid compounds, which contributes to preserving its natural properties. Sesame oil is also used in cooking, and many peoples still use it in their food by adding it to their popular dishes and what else. Many societies still adopt it for medical and therapeutic purposes, as it is used in the manufacture of sweets and pies. Sesame oil is known as serge or sharj. In Iraq, it is called brishy and is eaten with dates and is used in the preparation of the chickpea dish. It is also extracted from sesame after pressing a white or brown substance known as tahini. Sesame is an oil seed that is used as food and in the case of dizziness, blurred vision and tinnitus. The seeds soften (lubricate) the digestive system and treat constipation. And increase the breast milk for this is placed on the ring Maggat. Sesame oil, also known as serge or sharj (according to the pronunciation), is used in cooking and frying foods. It has a special consideration for the Jewish community. It is also used in cosmetics. It is rich in unsaturated fats and antioxidants due to the presence of sesamin and sesamol. The leaves are used for kidney and bladder problems and prescribed to children for diarrhea and flatulence. Sesame oil is also used for psoriasis and skin diseases, especially the head .


Rosemary is a perennial herb. Its leaves are narrow and long. Its upper surface is dark green and shiny, dotted with golden yellow or silvery white dots, and its lower surface is covered with fine white hairs. Its inflorescences are indigo or blue. It grows wild in the Mediterranean countries. Its leaves stimulate blood circulation, especially among people who do not exercise. It reduces headaches, treats bacterial and fungal infections, prevents gases in the digestive system, aids in digestion and absorption of food, and eliminates heartburn. It improves the liver, digestive system, and gallbladder, and reduces the formation of stones, kidney stones, and bladder stones. It also reduces the secretion of the enzyme urease, which is related to the formation of these stones. Used as mouth rinse to treat the throat, the gums, and the sores. Its oil is used to massage exhausting limbs, and its hot drink relieves headaches, and it is often recommended to use it for skin and hair care, and its branches are used in incense. The pebbles of milk have been associated since ancient times with improving memory and therefore used as part of marriage ceremonies, wars and funerals in Europe. Rosemary is a perennial woody plant. The greenery has a pine-like aroma, its leaves are narrow needles, the height of the grass reaches about 3 feet, and indigo flowers bloom in summer. Thousands of years before the invention of refrigeration, the ancients noticed that wrapping meat in mashed rosemary leaves preserved meat and gave it a refreshing fragrance and pleasant flavor. To this day, the herb remains a favorite in meat dishes. Head, breath, digestion, and Chinese doctors mix rosemary with ginger to treat headaches, indigestion, insomnia and malaria partially spoil meat because its fats oxidize and rancid. That prevents food spoilage also inhibits the effects of many germs that can cause infection. To treat minor wounds, you can use some crushed leaves of rosemary on the affected area while you are on your way. Before cleansing the wound, pregnant women should avoid medical preparations.


It is a genus of plants that belongs to the family Labiae of the order Labiaceae. It includes between 42 accepted species and dozens of uncertain species, and hybrids between species occur naturally. Plants of this genus are perennial herbs with a pleasant pungent odor. It is spread almost globally around Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia and North America. It is a perennial plant, rarely an annual plant, and it has stalks that spread widely under and around the ground. Its stems are square, forked and erect.The leaves are arranged in opposite pairs, their shape ranges from square to spear, and they are often smooth to the touch, with serrated edges. Leaves vary in color from dark green and grayish green to violet, blue and sometimes light yellow. And its flowers are white to purple. Among the diseases treated by mint: a bouquet of mint (a mint leaf with the pulp of white bread and vinegar) is made and used to relieve nervous pain and its method is to put a gauze bag filled with the bouquet made after heating it over the place of the boiled mint in the water for a short period and added to it after removing it from the fire Sugar percentage (and we warn diabetics not to add sugar), so they can drink it without sugar, it is acceptable, the taste is good and the smell is good (we also advise not to drink mint when feeling vomiting or dieting)رمز "تم التحقق منها بواسطة المنتدى"

Mentha × piperita

It is a genus of plants that belongs to the family Labiae of the order Labiaceae. It includes between 42 accepted species and dozens of uncertain species, and hybrids between species occur naturally. Plants of this genus are perennial herbs with a pleasant pungent odor. It is spread almost globally around Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia and North America. It is a perennial plant, rarely an annual plant, and it has stalks that spread widely under and around the ground. Its stems are square, forked and erect.The leaves are arranged in opposite pairs, their shape ranges from square to spear, and they are often smooth to the touch, with serrated edges. Leaves vary in color from dark green and grayish green to violet, blue and sometimes light yellow. And its flowers are white to purple. Among the diseases treated by mint: a bouquet of mint (a mint leaf with the pulp of white bread and vinegar) is made and used to relieve nervous pain and its method is to put a gauze bag filled with the bouquet made after heating it over the place of the boiled mint in the water for a short period and added to it after removing it from the fire Sugar percentage (and we warn diabetics not to add sugar), so they can drink it without sugar, it is acceptable, the taste is good and the smell is good (we also advise not to drink mint when feeling vomiting or dieting)رمز "تم التحقق منها بواسطة المنتدى"